I haven´t had enought time to realy post some thing interesting today.. and I am extremely late for my Music Monday post... so i will just throw some Lady Gaga photos.
I must say that I am not a fan of her, but  must admit that the things she wears are sooo original!!

If you just want to enjoy some good dance music you should listen to her latest album The Fame Monster!!

 Doný you just love this hair bow and that lipstick??

Sleep tight!

Starting, for real!

Ok, since I first posted, I´ve tried to get myself to write a post each day, at least just for me, since I don´t expect to have too many followers for now.
I will post about things I like, thing that I am obssesed that month (day, week, moment), things I would like to do/try some day, things that inspire me, people who I admire, music I enjoy, well anything realy!
I think that wiriting a blog will also help keep a diary of all the things I do... so I never forget.
Oh! And I will try to write in english in order to practise a bit more! Weeeell... and for my blog to be a bit more international.. haha!

I hope that if I get something done wrong you will tell me.

Ok, so I am going to start with an "I admire" post:

Today I just stteped into this amazing artist´s blog: Mimi Kirchner
She makes some of the most wonderful doll´s I've seen!

She was so kind to post this fabulose tutorial at The Purple Beegvcx , I must try it some day!
Go and visit her blog and her etsy store!!

Thanks for reading!

Meet my new baby!
She hasn´t stopped working since she arrived home!
SHe´s such a cutie!
Thanks Mummy!

Allá vamos, he querido empezar mi blog desde hace mucho tiempo, pero nunca me he puesto en ello.. hasta ahora!
Quiero que este blog sea como un diario, donde intentaré recopilar todas mis manualidades y mi vida.
Espero que disfrutéis leyéndome!


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